There are a lot of naturist Republicans and Libertarians. A lot of veterans as well. You don't have to believe in globalist socialism to be a nudist. In fact the freedom of nudism goes against neo-marxist thought.
I know some Republican supporters who are naturists. Some of them have been reading my blogs since I started writing about naturism more than a decade ago. The great thing about naturism is that it is generally free of politics, I think.
I disagree. There are republican voters who are nudists. But you cannot truly be a naturist and support the policies and rhetoric of republican politicians. That's like claiming to be vegan and eating steak every day. There are plenty of republican voters who like to be nude, but naturism is about far more than nudity. It's about respect and acceptance for yourself and others. That's a core tenet if naturism. Republican rhetoric is the antithesis of naturist values.
I don't want to get too deep into politics here because I am no expert, plus I am a Canadian looking in. So, for what it is worth: I think some Republican voters didn't really understand all they were voting for, or may disagree with some of the stuff Republican politicians are saying but have voted for Republicans all their lives.
I dunno. From afar, I am shocked by what I am seeing in what was once the greatest democracy of our time. Now, it looks like America has become an oligarchy. And if that's what the majority wants, so be it.
Plus, there is a lot of disinformation these days, and it really is confusing and fooling some people.
I respectfully disagree. The left and mainstream media are more anti-freedom then anyone on the right. The left want censorship of opposing ideas, not the right. I'm a classical liberal, I believe in free speech and freedom in all it's forms. As long you don't harm anyone. The left is the US is bordering on a totalitarian philosophy.
And there lies the problem. If you are a "liberal" you have a completely different perspective of the liberals than those looking in from the outside. The same is true of the "conservatives". It's all about the "narratives". We must stop believing what is said by the other side. Believe what the "liberals" say about themselves, not what they say about the "conservatives". And vice versa. We are all Americans. We all have unique perspectives and biases. Damian, your definition of freedom is more about the second amendment and less about reproductive rights. I have the opposite perspective. That illustrates my point.
Of course naturism would do these republicans a world of good because naturism promotes equality and accepting ourselves and others for who we are. Unfortunately, republicans believe the opposite of that. They promote hatred, division, and never accepting anyone that isn't like them. They use the political realm to impose their warped ideas and evil ideology on everyone. Therefore, they will never truly embrace naturism. They are incapable of it.
For any naturists who have been victimized by republican rhetoric and propaganda and do not understand what they are supporting, perhaps a history lesson is in order. Make sure you know what you support. Know what you vote for. And if you voted republican in this election, or didn't vote at all, pay CLOSE attention to what the trump administration and Republicans actually do in the next 4 years. Don't listen to words from them. Watch their actions. Also, watch this video to get a sense of what is about to be in charge, and the big differences from last time.
During the election campaign, Donald Trump was hinting at the end of elections as Americans have known them. I read that he told one audience that they would never have to vote again if he won. Then recently, after the election when he was addressing Republicans, he hinted at a third term, if they could change the rules. So, there may not be a presidential election in four years, at least, not a fair one. I hope I am wrong.
We used to have open nudity in swimming pools, locker rooms, and large open shower room.
But in my white privileged world of late 50s, 60s, & 70s, the WW2 ethos of combat ready veterans washing in the Po River naked like Roman Centurions ruled.
It was the men that insisted that all the boys shower together in a large room with a dozen shower heads, naked, before our all boy swim classes, naked.
No wet clingy shorts for our boys, just the joy of washing and swimming as God intended.
Want to know what changed it?
Racial integration in schools and other previously segregated public facilities. Can't have out little boys feel bad because these strapping young bucks have big muscles and big d.... too!
For historical references, see U. S. Senate Requires Swimsuits, 1980s. YMCA swimming rules of the 1940s and 50s.
That's an interesting perspective, one I haven't heard before. I grew up post integration and open nudity was still the norm. I've never felt bad, not even among the young and not-so-young bucks at local naturist events.
A nicely written article emphasizing that we all are equal. Nothing other than Naturism says it loudly & in very straight way..The quote from theosophist is a very meaningful one...
Biological sex has nothing to do with gender. One's gender usually corresponds with one's biological sex but for some people, due to hormonal conditions when in the womb are born with their brains hardwired as female but with their bodies as male or born with male brains and female bodies. It is wrong to expect someone who has a female gender to force them to use men's bathroom and likewise males to use the ladies bathroom.
In any case, the whole point of this article is to explain that the transphobes in Congress need to lighten up and learn the lesson of naturism that we really should not be ashamed of our bodies and that we should not be so prudish as to force our own shame onto others.
Without getting into a big debate on trans stuff -- because as naturists we really shouldn't care -- with all the crap in the environment today affecting our health, it is not a stretch of the imagination to understand how some of those chemicals may affect a developing fetus and screw up hormonal showers in the womb, resulting in what you describe above, Christopher. That so many laypeople can't see beyond the gender binary and are transphobic as a result is very sad.
But what's going on in Washington is fuelled by Christian nationalism that excludes anything beyond the gender binary as well as sexual orientation.
Still, I think naturism can help everyone get along and understand that we really are all the same.
Meanwhile, they will probably need to install gender-neutral washrooms for the politicians who can't get along.
Jillian, you wrote: "But what's going on in Washington is fuelled by Christian nationalism that excludes anything beyond the gender binary as well as sexual orientation." I don't believe the word 'Christian' properly defines the attitudes of the ultra-conservatives - Christians are taught to 'Love God, love your neighbour as yourself'. The ultra-christian claimants are a parody of true Christianity.
Oh, Mark, I so agree with you. I was raised as a Christian, learned all the basics, and then went on to study Eastern religions and philosophies. There is a common thread in all of them. Like you, I do not feel the so-called Christian nationalists are following the golden rule.I think they feel the end justifies the means, just as so-called Christians did during the Crusades.
Jillian, you are so spot on. I always say that we are all dressed alike so no one can judge. I have always felt comfortable in these non-judgmental settings. The only downside
For some time now I have wondered why there is such a fight over bathrooms.
In the naturist world there is not.
Any bathroom I have been in has stalls to provide privacy, shouldn't that be enough?
I guess I just don't understand. We need to get over ourselves.
There are a lot of naturist Republicans and Libertarians. A lot of veterans as well. You don't have to believe in globalist socialism to be a nudist. In fact the freedom of nudism goes against neo-marxist thought.
I know some Republican supporters who are naturists. Some of them have been reading my blogs since I started writing about naturism more than a decade ago. The great thing about naturism is that it is generally free of politics, I think.
I agree. We all enjoy the freedom of being naked. It's not about politics.
I disagree. There are republican voters who are nudists. But you cannot truly be a naturist and support the policies and rhetoric of republican politicians. That's like claiming to be vegan and eating steak every day. There are plenty of republican voters who like to be nude, but naturism is about far more than nudity. It's about respect and acceptance for yourself and others. That's a core tenet if naturism. Republican rhetoric is the antithesis of naturist values.
I don't want to get too deep into politics here because I am no expert, plus I am a Canadian looking in. So, for what it is worth: I think some Republican voters didn't really understand all they were voting for, or may disagree with some of the stuff Republican politicians are saying but have voted for Republicans all their lives.
I dunno. From afar, I am shocked by what I am seeing in what was once the greatest democracy of our time. Now, it looks like America has become an oligarchy. And if that's what the majority wants, so be it.
Plus, there is a lot of disinformation these days, and it really is confusing and fooling some people.
I respectfully disagree. The left and mainstream media are more anti-freedom then anyone on the right. The left want censorship of opposing ideas, not the right. I'm a classical liberal, I believe in free speech and freedom in all it's forms. As long you don't harm anyone. The left is the US is bordering on a totalitarian philosophy.
And there lies the problem. If you are a "liberal" you have a completely different perspective of the liberals than those looking in from the outside. The same is true of the "conservatives". It's all about the "narratives". We must stop believing what is said by the other side. Believe what the "liberals" say about themselves, not what they say about the "conservatives". And vice versa. We are all Americans. We all have unique perspectives and biases. Damian, your definition of freedom is more about the second amendment and less about reproductive rights. I have the opposite perspective. That illustrates my point.
Of course naturism would do these republicans a world of good because naturism promotes equality and accepting ourselves and others for who we are. Unfortunately, republicans believe the opposite of that. They promote hatred, division, and never accepting anyone that isn't like them. They use the political realm to impose their warped ideas and evil ideology on everyone. Therefore, they will never truly embrace naturism. They are incapable of it.
For any naturists who have been victimized by republican rhetoric and propaganda and do not understand what they are supporting, perhaps a history lesson is in order. Make sure you know what you support. Know what you vote for. And if you voted republican in this election, or didn't vote at all, pay CLOSE attention to what the trump administration and Republicans actually do in the next 4 years. Don't listen to words from them. Watch their actions. Also, watch this video to get a sense of what is about to be in charge, and the big differences from last time.
During the election campaign, Donald Trump was hinting at the end of elections as Americans have known them. I read that he told one audience that they would never have to vote again if he won. Then recently, after the election when he was addressing Republicans, he hinted at a third term, if they could change the rules. So, there may not be a presidential election in four years, at least, not a fair one. I hope I am wrong.
We used to have open nudity in swimming pools, locker rooms, and large open shower room.
But in my white privileged world of late 50s, 60s, & 70s, the WW2 ethos of combat ready veterans washing in the Po River naked like Roman Centurions ruled.
It was the men that insisted that all the boys shower together in a large room with a dozen shower heads, naked, before our all boy swim classes, naked.
No wet clingy shorts for our boys, just the joy of washing and swimming as God intended.
Want to know what changed it?
Racial integration in schools and other previously segregated public facilities. Can't have out little boys feel bad because these strapping young bucks have big muscles and big d.... too!
For historical references, see U. S. Senate Requires Swimsuits, 1980s. YMCA swimming rules of the 1940s and 50s.
That's an interesting perspective, one I haven't heard before. I grew up post integration and open nudity was still the norm. I've never felt bad, not even among the young and not-so-young bucks at local naturist events.
A nicely written article emphasizing that we all are equal. Nothing other than Naturism says it loudly & in very straight way..The quote from theosophist is a very meaningful one...
Biological sex has nothing to do with gender. One's gender usually corresponds with one's biological sex but for some people, due to hormonal conditions when in the womb are born with their brains hardwired as female but with their bodies as male or born with male brains and female bodies. It is wrong to expect someone who has a female gender to force them to use men's bathroom and likewise males to use the ladies bathroom.
In any case, the whole point of this article is to explain that the transphobes in Congress need to lighten up and learn the lesson of naturism that we really should not be ashamed of our bodies and that we should not be so prudish as to force our own shame onto others.
Without getting into a big debate on trans stuff -- because as naturists we really shouldn't care -- with all the crap in the environment today affecting our health, it is not a stretch of the imagination to understand how some of those chemicals may affect a developing fetus and screw up hormonal showers in the womb, resulting in what you describe above, Christopher. That so many laypeople can't see beyond the gender binary and are transphobic as a result is very sad.
But what's going on in Washington is fuelled by Christian nationalism that excludes anything beyond the gender binary as well as sexual orientation.
Still, I think naturism can help everyone get along and understand that we really are all the same.
Meanwhile, they will probably need to install gender-neutral washrooms for the politicians who can't get along.
Jillian, you wrote: "But what's going on in Washington is fuelled by Christian nationalism that excludes anything beyond the gender binary as well as sexual orientation." I don't believe the word 'Christian' properly defines the attitudes of the ultra-conservatives - Christians are taught to 'Love God, love your neighbour as yourself'. The ultra-christian claimants are a parody of true Christianity.
Oh, Mark, I so agree with you. I was raised as a Christian, learned all the basics, and then went on to study Eastern religions and philosophies. There is a common thread in all of them. Like you, I do not feel the so-called Christian nationalists are following the golden rule.I think they feel the end justifies the means, just as so-called Christians did during the Crusades.
Jillian, you are so spot on. I always say that we are all dressed alike so no one can judge. I have always felt comfortable in these non-judgmental settings. The only downside